Infant and Early Childhood Parent Coaching

Julie Recommends, LLC

Hi, I am Julie! If you are a parent with young children and concerned about your child's tantrums, meltdowns, worries, or other deemed "problematic" behaviors you're in the right place.

Let me be your parenting partner!

I am a trained child and family therapist and now offer virtual parent coaching. With over 15 years of experience I have helped countless number of families with children birth to age 6. I have two young chidren of my own. These early years are the most critical. You are making the right step to seek support now.

Parenting is the hardest job. What you need is a parenting partner. Subscribe to emails for tips and additional resources. Plus your FREE betime connection ideas guide!


But you're struggeling to make sense of what is happening in their internal world. You may be asking yourself is it normal development, did I mess something up, or what am I missing?


What you need is someone to help guide, support, educate and strategize with you in a kind and empathetic manner.

Do you agree? Great!


You are seeking extra tools in your parenting toolbox.

You or your child have completed therapy and are looking for some additional support.

You desire a connected, healthy relaltionship with your child.

You need help understanding the behaviors you're noticing.

You would like some professional help instead of Aunt Betty's parenting advice

You want to parent differently than how you were parented

What I DO provide:

Psychoeducation and child development

Support, encouragement, and validation

A space for self-reflection

A better understanding of your child's behaviors

Strategies and goals to meet your family's needs

What I do NOT provide:

Mediation or couples counseling

Child or family therapy

Matters relating to custody, i.e. court appearances, testimonials, or any written documentation to the courts

Opinions on who is the "better" parent


During my work as a therapist, many parents often came to therapy looking for a diagnosis and for a professional to "fix" their child. I imagine it was hard for some to sit in the head space that they may have contributed to their child's big behaviors, worries, or "diagnosis."
The reality is that children do not develop in a vacuum, but develop in the context of the parent-child relationship, family system, and culture. And of course, genetics and temperament play a role.

What I learned over time was this: For lasting change, parents needed to be involved in the therapy. If you are willing to examine your own parenting and make conscious, intentional changes this is the right place for you.

A few years ago, I put my job on pause to have two babies two years apart. Becoming a mother was a life altering experience. It was indescribable beauty and immensly hard all at the same time. So many complex changes happening in my brain and body, as well as keeping up with the rapid rate at which children change and develop during the early years. And let's not forget about the neverending pressure, demands, and emotional overload on a daily basis.
Much later I reflected on the fact that our current culture has it all wrong. The process of becoming a mother and learning to mother our babies and children is being done in isolation. Our ancestors had a "village," where family members lived together and all helped raise the children. That village no longer exists. You may not have a village but I can be your parenting partner. When you're ready, I am here.

Let's do this TOGETHER!

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